French Conference Interpreter - Interprète de conférence (anglais)
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Looking for a reliable and experienced French conference interpreter (with experience in using Inteprefy)

  ENGLISH  Remote simultaneous interpreting carried out through Interprefy. On site Conference Centre interpreting also done in accordance with Government Guidelines.

Rely on an experienced and qualified professional Conference interpreter for a meeting or a large conference with many French delegates (French Interpreter -English<=>French) including for Medical and Legal Conferences (simultaneous, consecutive, whispering and tour guide) 
Trust a truthful translation of an English medical and legal document into French (French translator - English=> French) by a duly qualified professional -including personal documents and documentation (including Birth, Marriage and Death certificates) to apply for French / Belgian / Swiss / Luxembourg citizenship with a true translation certificate duly dated and signed
Get a quality translation of your personal documents and documentation from French into English to legalise your current status to apply for the "Settled Status"in the UK or to acquire British citizenship with a true translation certificate duly dated and signed
Appreciate the support of an experienced business Facilitator for Management training (French facilitator) to deliver your management training with a French speaking interpreter assisting you for a perfect delivery of your management program

Appreciez l'assistance apportée par une facilitatrice vous aidant à mieux comprendre votre formation en management avec une interprète spécialisée pour un coaching à perfection
Traduction d'un document commercial, juridique ou médical de l'anglais en français (traductrice) par une experte dument certifiée (y compris pour une demande de nationalité française / belge / suisse ou luxembourgeoise ou bien simplement demander une CDS en France) avec certificat de traduction dument signé et daté
Traduction d'un document juridique ou des papiers d'identité du français vers l'anglais pour obtenir le "settled status" ou faire la demande de nationalité auprès de l'administration britannique et valider la traduction avec un certificat de traduction dument daté et signé
Assistance en français pour une conférence ou une réunion commerciale (interprétariat) grâce à l'assistance d'une interprète chevronnée dument qualifiée et ayant une vaste expérience en la matière
Formation en management dans un contexte culturel francophone (mission confiée à une animatrice facilitatrice formatrice ayant fait ses preuves) auprès de missions de management à l'étranger



Hire a reliable French interpreter with many years of experience in conference interpreting to ensure quality French interpretation for your conference

British Authorities - Administration française  
To check the authenticity - always look for a red seal, dry embossed seal and my authentic signature made on all my official certified translations, further details are on the Qualifications page and also on the Contact Page
Pour vérifier l'authenticité de mes traductions certifiées conformes, vérifiez la présence d'un sceau rouge, d'un timbre sec sur le document et de ma signature authentique -  cliquez sur la page Qualifications et également sur la page Contact pour obtenir de plus amples informations
 British companies looking to have an on-going relationship with a French translator to assist them with paperwork in French -> see page Medical Translation (bottom of page)
 English law: 
 When any transaction is made with myself and a company or an individual, the said transaction falls under English law. Non-discolsure agreements (NDAs) signed with companies do not override current English laws. Any agreement signed with a company when trading starts does not override any English law being in force and the said agreement is signed in spirit with current English laws and with ITI's Professional Code of Conduct being applicable. 
These terms override any other service agreement or Confidentiality Disclosure Agreement (CDA) previously signed or signed afterwards. 
Language service providers (LSP) can rest assured that their clients' confidentiality and respect for their clientele is always maintained. I have my own direct clients and will always have courtesy towards their clients and maintain professionalism with the agencies' clients who shall remain the agencies' clients in all my direct dealings with the end clients. When the end clients request my personal data following an outstanding interpreting assignment or when doing an excellent translation remitted to the client, the agency will always be referred to as the main point of contact. Only my name will be given for the client to request my services again from the said language service provider. I have always protected the language service providers' confidentiality and details as a reference point of contact. I have established long-term Professional and Courteous relationships with major LSP in the Translation and Interpreting industry for decades. Further details on my Ethos found on the Contact Page. 
Terms and conditions: 
The present terms and conditions are made in line with current English laws and the ethos from ITI's professional Code of Conduct. I always maintain the utmost professionalism in all my transactions and have very long standing clients whether direct clients or language service providers who can testify as such.  These terms and conditions have always been maintained with the best ethos currently implemented in the translation and interpreting industry. 
 Please note that I can only provide limited online French tuition to a few students, and I have ceased offering on-site tuition.