French Conference Interpreter - Interprète de conférence (anglais)
Email: how to contact me
Interprefy InterpretingKudo InterpretingZoom InterpretingInterprétariat en distancielRemote Management AssistanceQualifications and OriginsExperience and PricesRemote Medical TranslationDomiciliée au R-UHampshire zoom InterpretingRemote Translation from BasingstokeFrench Interpreting in Basingstoke and WinchesterFrench referralsEthos / Contact / PaymentPacamarosha


Email: Please send all correspondence to this e-mail. This is my preferred method of communication. My landline is rarely active (silent mode when doing remote conference interpreting) Always add me on Whatsapp for urgent messages. 

Please contact me by email first or add me on Whatsapp to communicate quickly with me.  

French Consulation most welcomed over the internet on Zoom



LinkedIn  click here



Please feel free to contact me about any assignments.


Translator's Cafe click here click here  


Payment terms: 

UK Payments are only accepted upfront via your application (and PayPal, Resolut and Transferwise within the EU or EEA zone) and on my French Account (Nickel) for payments from France (the sender shall cover the transfer costs),  "Pay your Contacts" on your U.K. bank app, and bank transfers via your internet banking platform (via S/C and A/C no. - preferred payment method with the sender bearing the costs of transfer). Payments from outside England are accepted on condition that the sender bears the transfer costs otherwise a second transfer might be necessary to refund any deduction made by the banks. British translation and interpreting agencies and companies domiciled in England would pay upfront unless regular work is offered for over 5 years.  Individuals residing in the UK are encouraged to pay in advance. Credit card payments are accepted via PayPal with the sender bearing the transfer costs. My PayPal Business account incurs 3.5% charge for transactions and £0.20 per transaction. Clients are there asked to add 3.5% on top of any PayPal payment to cover the cost of the transaction. I shall bear the £0.20 charge of course per transaction. So, PayPal transaction are Invoice amount + 3.5% on top. Private clients seeking translations of the personal documents for legalisation purposes (acquiring EUSS or French and/or British nationality are requested to pay upfront. Thank you. Les clients basés en France et dans l'Union Européenne ainsi qu'en Suisse sont invités à verser le paiement en entier afin de confirmer le placement de leurs traductions.Cheques and cash are not accepted in view of implementing full fiscal transparency in accordance with EU and UK laws. Payments are only accepted via a British, French, EU, CH or Norwegian bank account from a reputable Bank or Financial establishment. British, E.U. and French Anti-money laundering best practices are implemented, and clients seeking interpreting or translation for tax optimisation or tax avoidance schemes will NOT be assisted in their effort to avoid or to evade British or French taxation.


No liability is given for interpreting and translation work. All translations are given with the onus on the client to double-check the documents for their entirety and accuracy. Certified translations are remitted without liability.  


My certified translations are only given in printed format with a red or yellow seal, with an embossed dry seal and my authentic signature. PDF certified translations carrying  a certified digital PDF signature are for information only and are not construed as being certified. They are remitted to French and British well-established lawyers, solicitors in order to assist private clients with urgent regularisation of their personal affairs with British and French authorities. Any person duplicating my signature (whether on printed paper or in digital format) and using it to falsify documents or make them look like genuinely certified translation or make any third-party translation authentically certified by me shall be prosecuted by my lawyers. Their names shall be forwarded to both French and British Police authorities. Compensation shall be sought through French and British courts by my lawyers. Religious and Political translations and interpreting assignments are welcome with moderate political parties and religious authorities (i.e. mainstream politial parties and recognised religious establishments only) - extreme political documents and religious movements, in particular proning racism, misogyny and ethnic supremacy points of view, and / or any similar thinking shall be outwardly rejected and French and British police authorities shall be fully informed. Any EU, British or French national sending scans of their documents to be translated and certified in an urgent manner shall have to send me an email certifying that their scans are true to the original document. The translations must always accompany the original documents sent to British, French and / or EU authorities. Failure to do so and scans being modified by Photoshop or any other photographic processing tool to make a false document look like an original document shall be prosecuted and have their names forwarded to French and British authorities. Please note that I have been translating these documents for over 30 days so I always ask for the originals in the post. Scans by WhatsApp with live video confirmation  are only offered for emergency situations. All translations must be counter-certified in full by the French Consulate General in London. Original documents must be fully legible for a certified translation. Handwritten documents must be accompanied with a typewritten explanation giving the dates, names and places to support reading the old documents with another authentic document confirming the authenticity of the handwritten document. I may still request the original documents to be sent to me for further verification if need be in full compliance with French and British authorities. Anybody placing the translation of personal documents and scanning them via e-mail must write separately an email confirming that the scans are true to the original documents. Any photoshopped documents or modified by any other similar software will be reported to French and British police authorities and territorial administrations. I reserve the right to request seeing the original documents if need be. Any French or British solicitors sending me scans has the duty to check the original for me. All translation of Birth, Marriage, Death certificates are to be double-checked by the beneficiary when the translation is made. No liability shall be accepted for any translation of these documents. The French Consulate asks for translations to be done on sight of original documents. I reserve the right to see them in person, by post, or by Live WhatsApp video feed to be in full compliance with the French Consulate General requirements, French authority requirements, and British authorities requirements. If you wish to have a quote in full confidence, send a scan of your documents on WhatsApp. Bank Details are only provided on WhatsApp for safety concerns.  


Translation Agencies & Interpreting Agencies & Other Language Services Providers:

  I have been providing French language services (interpreting, translation) for over 3 decades to Language Agencies and Translation and Interpreting Agencies and other LSP clients with numerous long-term well-established business relationships and I dutifully sign and agree to all (reasonable) NDAs - you can rest assured that your client remains your client. I get referrals on official listings for my own direct clients. I have regular work through major LSPs and Translation & Interpreting agencies as I can be trusted with their clients. I have long-established relationships with majour LSPs in the industry.  


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