French Conference Interpreter - Interprète de conférence (anglais)
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A qualified professional with full membership of a professional body domiciled in the UK: 
MA in Translations Techniques (cum laude, Paris VIII University - with 6 month simultaneous interpreting module training in language lab)
LLB in French law (Paris VIII University) - French postgraduate law degree
English law understanding with the translation of legal documents and living in the UK for over 31 years 
Qualified Member of ITI (Institute of Translators and Interpreters) - examination taken in Medical and Pharmaceutical - English => French 
Listed on the French Consulate General in London as an interpreter and translator
Coached for over 20 years by a British Pharmaceutical Physician to better understand the Pharmaceutical industry, its needs and its dynamics. 
Coached for over 30 years by a French Theatre Nurse to better understand the Hospital world, surgery, and the Health & Hospital industry and its needs. 
Perfect understanding of the English language (including insinuations and double entendre that most non-native speakers miss) and excellent knowledge of British culture (including an excellent understanding of the English culture and education with a received pronunciation in English - educated speech with a Southern elocution). 
 Interprète, traductrice et enseignante expérimentée ayant les qualifications suivantes : 
Maîtrise en Langues Etrangères Appliquées en Traductions Spécialisées avec mention très bien de l'université de PARIS VIII (y compris module de 6 mois en interprétariat simultané)
DEUG Pouvoirs Administration Echanges en Droit de l'Université de Paris VIII - option Droit
Membre qualifiée d'ITI (Institute of Translators and Interpreters - Institut (britannique) des Traducteurs et Interprètes) - spécialisation : Médecine et Pharmaceutique

 Inscrite sur les listes officielles du Consulat Général de France à Londres en tant qu'interprète et traductrice depuis plusieurs décennies
Rules to check the authenticity of my certified translations - règles pour vérifier l'authenticité de mes traductions 
All my certified translations carry a "To Whom it may concern" paragraph detailling my qualifications, address, e-mail, website, with a handwritten signature, a digital signature and a photo. Sometimes the certificate page carries also a digital picture of a business card and sometimes a physical business card. The translation is signed, dated and stamped to avoid fraud. 
To check the authenticity of my certified translations, the latter shall bear the following paragraph: 

The translation must always be presented to the authorities with the original deed or a certified copy. Any translation remitted by PDF is for information only and any PDF document should not be modified in any way and the originals should not be scanned and reused in any way subject to legal proceedings if there is any infringement to the above. Certified translations carry my signature and red/yellow seal and my embossed (dry) seal, and it is highly recommended to ask to the French Consulate General in London to authenticate them.  Ask for this at the Consulate Till “Caisse”. Translations into English shall bear an “MITI” red seal “Qualified Member of the Institute of Translators & Interpreters”. British authorities are invited to check my registration with ITI online at Thank you.

The translation shall be signed by a digital signature on the certificate page and with a handwritten signature on all pages (back and front), there shall be 2 seals (one MITI and one red or yellow seal - both dry stamped with Certified Translation) and another dry seal with the address. The pages are also stamped with an inked address stamp.  The corner with the staples shall have an envelope cut-out corner with one or two stapples and stamped to avoid fraud. Only printed translations are certified. PDF versions are sent to the client for checking that there are no mistakes in the translation and ARE NOT CERTIFIED. They are often used by solicitors and notaries to speed up procedures but are not certified. Kindly disregard any PDF and ask for a printout. PDF can be fraudulently modified nowadays with adequate software programs. Only printed copies are certified. All clients are encouraged to ask the French Consulate General to stamp them (and pay the relevant fees at the Cashier's counter). 
The alternative paragraph might be inserted at the bottom of the certification page on previous certified translations: 
The translation must always be presented to the authorities with the original deed or a certified copy. Any translation remitted by PDF is for information only and any PDF document should not be modified in any way and the originals should not be scanned and reused in any way subject to legal proceedings if there is any infringement to the above. Certified translations carry my signature and red/yellow seal and my embossed (dry) seal. Translations shall bear an “MITI” red seal “Qualified Member of the Institute of Translators & Interpreters”. Thank you. 
Another alternative paragraph in previous versions:  

The translation must always be presented to the authorities with the original deed or a certified copy. Any translation remitted by PDF is for information only and any PDF document should not be modified in any way and the originals should not be scanned and reused in any way subject to legal proceedings if there is any infringement to the above. Certified translations carry my signature and red/yellow seal and my embossed (dry) seal. Translations shall bear an “MITI” red seal “Qualified Member of the Institute of Translators & Interpreters”. Thank you.


The translation must ALWAYS accompany the ORIGINAL.  



Spanish, Russian, Italian and German translations into English are occasionally made for ID documents and Births, Marriages and Deaths certifiates. They may slightly vary in the certification paragraph but are mainly consistent with the above. 


Sometimes, simplified certifications are made by PDF but these documents have no legal value and are sent to the recipient in order to speed up proceedings. 
The following paragraph shall be: 


Note :  


This certificate is speedily made in order to assist someone needing it urgently. A certified hard copy is recommended for an official translation to be shown as evidence before a court of law or the French or French-speaking authorities. 




Thank you for your understanding. 








Toutes mes traductions certifiées comporteront un paragraphe intitulé "A qui de droit" contenant une photo numérisée, une signature numérisée et manuscrite, les informations concernant mon adresse, courriel, site web et qualifications ainsi qu'une date et parfois une image de carte de visite ou anciennement une carte de visite agrafée. Toutes les traductions sont signées, datées et tamponnées pour éviter toute fraude. 


Les traductions porteront un ou deux sceaux (sceau rouge or jaune imprimé avec tampon à sec "traduction certifiée conforme" et parfois sceau rouge MITI (membre de l'Institute of Translators and Interpreters). Toutes les pages porteront une signature manuscrite et la page du certificat comportera aussi une signature numérique. Le coin où l'agrafe est posée comporte un coin d'enveloppe coupé et agrafé avec un tamponnage encré afin d'éviter toute fraude. Les traductions auront le paragraphe suivant sur la page du certificat: 


 Note :  La traduction doit toujours être présentée avec l’original ou copie certifiée conforme. Toute traduction officielle comporte ma signature et mon sceau rouge / jaune et timbre estampillé en relief tout en étant dument authentifiée par le Consulat Général de France à Londres – les traductions remises en format PDF sont à titre informatif seulement. Il est interdit de modifier tout fichier PDF ou de scanner les originaux sous réserve de poursuites judiciaires si cette consigne n’est pas respectée. Il est recommandé de demander au Consulat de France à Londres d’apposer son sceau et signature sur toutes mes traductions officielles. Merci. 


ou une version similaire pour les traductions certifiées auparavant mais ayant l'esprit du paragraphe ci-dessus.  


 Les traductions ne seront certifiées que sur imprimé. Les versions remises en format PDF sont envoyées au client afin de vérifier qu'il n'y ait aucune erreur de transcription. Les versions numérisées NE sont PAS certifiées. Refusez-les et exigez un imprimé certifié conforme avec signature manuscrite, daté et tamponné. De nos jours, les progiciels et logiciels permettent de falsifier les fichiers PDF avec grande facilité.  Les fichiers PDF sont souvent utilisés par les avocats et notaires afin d'expédier les procédures. La traduction doit toujours accompagner l'original. 


Les traductions faites du russe, allemand, italien et espagnol vers le français concernant les documents d'identité ou extraits de mariage, décès ou naissances comporteront un paragraphe légèrement similaire mais consistant avec l'énoncé ci-dessus.   


Parfois des certificats simplifiés sont envoyés afin d'assister des personnes dans la nécessité mais ces documents n'ont pas de valeur juridique. Le paragraphe suivant accompagne la traduction: 

Note :  

Ce certificat est effectué à titre expéditif afin d’assister une personne dans la nécessité. Un imprimé dument certifié est recommandé en cas de traduction officielle devant les tribunaux ou l’administration française ou francophone.


 Merci de votre compréhension.




Over 33 years of experience in the translation industry / 33 années d'ancienneté acquises

 Originally, I'm from France (mother tongue) with Breton (mother side) and Burgundian (father side) origins but was born and raised in part close to Paris (current accent in French). Through my exposure in my childhood to Gallo in Brittany, I also understand some spoken Québécois as both pronunciations and grammars are fairly similar. I also know well the P.O. where my mother took retirement and I also have some command of Breton, Gallo, Catalan and Morvandiau. My French accent is defined as Standard Educated Northern French.

Having been living in the UK for the last 33 years, I have a full command of English (on a par with a native speaker with full knowledge of innuendos and double-entendres) - Southern Accent (having resided in Hampshire most of my adult life). My English accent is defined as Southern Educated Received Pronunciation.  Having had exposure during my childhood to Breton, I also understand a little bit Welsh (in particular the Welsh electoral results in Welsh as the numbering system is the same as in Breton).

I have French and British citizenships.  

My Goals

- professional translations within tight deadlines
- understanding of your linguistic needs for your French speaking clients
- adapting the translations according to your company culture
 Mes objectifs

- traductions professionnelles dans le cadre des délais accordés 

- compréhension de vos besoins linguistiques

- adaptation de vos traductions selon votre culture d'entreprise

  • To provide the best translation and interpreting service possible.
  • To personalise the assignments according to the client's wishes.
  • To  promote understanding amongst different cultures
  • Offrir les meilleures prestations possibles en interprétariat et traduction
  • Personnaliser les missions selon les objectifs du client
  • Susciter une meilleure compréhension parmi les différentes cultures

Deadlines will be respected unless a case of force majeure occurs.
Les délais seront respectés sauf en cas d'extrême force majeure.
Checking the authenticity of my certified translations, see bottom of page. 
Vérification de mes traductions certifiées, voir bas de page.  
GDPR - Data Protection
 Data from clients are kept as follows: 
Financial data - up to 7 years in line with HMRC regulations
Personal data - up to 12 months for personal documents on average - most documents get erased when payment of the translation is made 
Some forms are kept up to 2/3 years when they can be reused for other clients but the personal data has since been changed (birth certificates, marriage certificates, ACRO, etc.) so the original data is usually erased within 12 months on average. 
E-mails are also erased from memory within 12 months on average 
However, this means that clients cannot ask anymore a copy of an older translation in case of further need. Should the client anticipates the need to have more than one copy, the client is advised to request it promptly when need arises. A nominal fee to cover postage might be asked for further certified translations to cover printing and postage costs.